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Scooby-Doo bag tag
1 available
Kellogg's premium, loose, mint $2.00 |

Alef Bet Flashcards
1 available
teach Hebrew letters, near mint in envelope, 1 card has ink mark $3.00 |

5 frosted multi-sided dice
1 available
lot of 5, frosted, 20-sided, 4-sided, 8-sided, 10-sided, 6-sided, near mint $4.00 |

Olympics patch hh
1 available
Calgary 88, Howdy the polar bear, new in severely damaged package $4.00 |

Frozen luggage tag
1 available
Olaf, mint, new $2.00 |

Simply Drawing kit with DVD
1 available
new in open box $4.00 |

R2-D2 Lawn Lights
1 available
contains 5 droid lights, mint in box, box corner creased $18.00 |

Indian Head Penny paperweight
1 available
Mount Rushmore on reverse, approx. 3" across, distressed look $8.00 |

W.C. Fields eraser
1 available
Diener, Inc, 1966, 1½" tall, soiled, bottom rough, end of nose broken off $2.00 |
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