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Highlights Magazine for Children
1 available
Dec, 1963, cover wear, soiling, small creases, some dogeared corners $5.00 |

Beauty and the Beast Stagebill magazine
2 available
theater program, features Frederick C. Inkley as Beast/Prince, cover wear $1.00 |

Hunchback of Notre Dame
1 available
Henegar Center theater program, near mint $1.00 |

Disneyana Dispatch Fanclub Newsletters
1 available
Dec-Jan 2012, Feb/Mar 2012, Apr-May 2012, folded and stamped for mailing, otherwise near mint all for $1.00 |

Starlog magazine #12
1 available
1978, small surface tears $4.00 |

Combo Magazine #22
1 available
Nov. 1996, Classic Star Trek cover, large tear at top of spine, edge wear, creased corners, no freebies included $3.00 |

Combo Magazine #24
1 available
Jan. 1997, edge wear, creased corners, no freebies included $3.00 |

A View to a Kill magazine
1 available
from Starlog, lots of rippling and soiling $2.00 |
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