Pete, Too many films to name, 1925-present
Occupation: outlaw, captain of the guard, pirate, etc.
Henchmen: varies
Crimes: fraud, kidnapping, treason, attempted murder, unlawful imprisonment, abuse of power, assault and battery
Motive: varies
Disability: prosthetic leg (sometimes)
"I am sick and tired of your screw-ups."
Brer Fox, Song of the South, 1946
Occupation: predator
Henchmen: Brer Bear
Crimes: none; foxes eat little animals, get used to it
Motive: pride
Home: Chickapin Hill
"Dat Brer Rabbit done made a fool outchoo ag'in."
Long John Silver, Treasure Island, 1950
Occupation: cook
Henchmen: pirates
Crimes: piracy, mutiny, conspiracy to commit murder, kidnapping, child endangerment, assault with a deadly weapon, grand theft
Motive: treasure
Pet: Captain Flint
"Them that dies'll be the lucky ones!"
Capt. Nemo, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 1954
Occupation: submarine captain
Henchmen: sailors
Crimes: murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, acts of war, destruction of private property
Motive: hatred
Talent: plays the organ
"I am not what is called a civilized man."
Mr. Barnaby, Babes in Toyland, 1961
Occupation: landlord
Henchmen: Gonzorgo and Rodrigo
Crimes: kidnapping, conspiracy, fraud, solicitation to commit murder, assault and battery, theft
Motive: greed
Talent: dance
"Come. Let us lurk."
Peter J. Thorndyke, The Love Bug, 1968
Occupation: upscale car dealer
Henchmen: Havershaw, various employees
Crimes: grand theft auto, fraud, saboutage, assault and battery
Motive: obsession
Hobby: racing
"Now that we've had the benefit of your point of view, may we consider our relationship terminated?"
A.J. Arno, The Computer wore Tennis Shoes, 1969, Now You See Him, Now You Don't, 1972 The Strongest Man in the World, 1975
Occupation: businessman
Henchmen: Cookie (Chillie) Walski, assorted gunsels
Crimes: illegal gambling, kidnapping, conspiracy to commit murder, grand theft, assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon, robbery, attempted robbery, breaking and entering, reckless driving, destruction of private property
Motive: riches
Fear: acrophobia (fear of heights)
"Cookie, we're on top again!"
Doc Terminus, Pete's Dragon, 1977
Occupation: quack
Henchmen: Hoagy
Crimes: fraud, accessory to kidnapping, child endangerment
Motive: money, money, money by the pound
Transportation: windwagon
"One could really make a quick buck with it."
Dr. Hans Reinhardt, The Black Hole, 1979
Occupation: scientist, astronaut
Henchmen: Maximillian, sentry robots, roboticized humans
Crimes: piracy, mutiny, murder, kidnapping, assault
Motive: science
Ship: The Cygnus
"In...through...and beyond."
The Nome King, Return to Oz, 1985
Occupation: monarch
Henchmen: Princess Mombi, nomes
Crimes: grand theft, kidnapping, terroristic threats, child endangerment, treason, conspiracy, attempted murder
Motive: personal amusement
Weakness: eggs
"It sounds fair to me, and what I think is all that matters."
Neville Sinclair, The Rocketeer, 1991
Occupation: actor
Henchmen: Nazis
Crimes: espionage, conspiracy, kidnapping, murder, assault and battery, grand theft
Motive: patriotism
Box office rank: #3
"It wasn't lies, Jenny. It was acting."
Cardinal Richelieu, The Three Musketeers, 1993
Occupation: royal advisor
Henchmen: Rochefort, guards
Crimes: treason, conspiracy, abuse of power, attempted regicide, unlawful imprisonment, murder, attempted murder
Motive: position
Besetting sin: lust
"All for one...and more for me."
Sa'luk, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, 1995
Occupation: professional criminal
Henchmen: the Forty Thieves
Crimes: grand theft, resisting arrest, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon
Motive: ambition
Favorite weapon: claw
"I'm a survivor."
Hopper, A Bug's Life, 1998
Occupation: none
Henchmen: grasshopper gang
Crimes: extortion, assault and battery, tresspassing, breaking and entering, conspiracy to commit murder
Motive: self-absorption
Distinguishing feature: scar over left eye
"I swear, if I hadn't promised Mom on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you, I'd kill you!"
Stinky Pete, Toy Story 2, 1999
Occupation: action figure
Henchmen: none
Crimes: assault with a deadly weapon, assault and battery, kidnapping
Motive: immortality
Grade: MIB
"Idiots! Children destroy toys!"
Randall Boggs, Monsters, Inc., 2001
Occupation: professional scarer
Henchmen: Fungus
Crimes: health code violations, kidnapping, assault and battery
Motive: ego
Special ability: chameleon powers
"Whattaya know? It scares little monsters, too."
Capt. Hector Barbossa, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, 2003, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, 2006, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, 2007, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, 2011, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, 2017
Occupation: pirate
Henchmen: pirate crew
Crimes: piracy, mutiny, kidnapping, murder, attempted murder, conspiracy, destruction of private property, grand theft
Motive: greed
Rank: captain
"I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means 'no.' "
Syndrome, The Incredibles, 2004
Occupation: inventor, arms dealer
Henchmen: Mirage, shock troops
Crimes: gunrunning, treason, murder, attempted murder, violation of government ordinance against supers, child endangerment, kidnapping, conspiracy, fraud, destruction of property, assault and battery
Motive: revenge
Former alias: Incrediboy
"Now you respect me, because I'm a threat."
Ian Howe, National Treasure, 2004
Occupation: unknown
Henchmen: Shaw, Powell, Shippen, Phil
Crimes: grand theft, conspiracy, treason, kidnapping, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, terroristic threats, breaking and entering, tresspassing, carrying a concealed weapon, destruction of government property
Motive: money
Financial resources: unlimited
"You know the key to running a convincing bluff? Every once in a while, you've got to be holding all the cards."
Jadis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, 2005
Occupation: would-be ruler
Henchmen: dwarfs, wolves, countless fantastic creatures
Crimes: treason, unlawful imprisonment, incitement to riot, conspiracy, kidnapping, assault and battery, contributing to the corruption of a minor, child endangerment
Motive: power
Color scheme: white
"Think about whose side you're on, Edmund, mine...or theirs."
Royal Pain, Sky High, 2005
Occupation: student/super-villain
Henchmen: Stitches
Crimes: attempted murder, kidnapping, assault and battery, grand theft, child endangerment, destruction of property
Motive: vengeance
Secret identity: Gwen Grayson
"Yes, I'm a girl, you idiot!"
Narissa, Enchanted, 2007
Occupation: queen
Henchmen: Nathaniel
Crimes: assault and battery, conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, destruction of property, public nuisance
Motive: position
Home base: Andalasia
"You have no idea whom you're dealing with."
Bowler Hat Guy/Doris, Meet the Robinsons, 2007
Occupation: none
Henchmen: Whoever is controlled by his Mini-Doris
Crimes: fraud, attempted murder, conspiracy, trespassing, kidnapping, child endangerment
Motive: revenge
Real name: Michael Yagoobian/Dor-15
"Stop repeating everything I say!"
King Miraz, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, 2008
Occupation: ruler
Henchmen: Telmarine soldiers
Crimes: treason, regicide/fratricide, attempted genocide, attempted murder, false imprisonment, assault and battery
Motive: lust for power
Heir apparent: unnamed infant son
"I'll deal with you when this is over."
Charles Muntz, Up, 2009
Occupation: adventurer/explorer
Henchmen: talking dogs
Crimes: murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, child endangerment, arson, assault with a deadly weapon, destruction of private property
Motive: reputation
Membership: National Explorer's Society none
"They soon find that this mountain is a very dangerous place."
Lotso Hugs, Toy Story 3, 2010
Occupation: teddy bear
Henchmen: Big Baby, Ken, and various other toys
Crimes: kidnaping
Motive: self-preservation
Scent: strawberry
"You got a play date with destiny."
Mother Gothel, Tangled, 2010
Occupation: stay-at-home mom
Henchmen: none
Crimes: kidnapping, child endangerment, murder, conspiracy, treason
Motive: vanity
Final Fate: aged to dust
"You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad guy."
Matai Shang, John Carter, 2011
Occupation: cosmic meddler
Henchmen: other Therns
Crimes: conspiracy, saboutage, kidnapping, murder, terroristic threats, war crimes, impersonating an officer
Motive: unknown
Rank: Hekkador
"History will follow the course we have set."
King Candy, Wreck-It Ralph, 2012
Occupation: monarch, video game program
Henchmen: Sour Bill, Duncan, Wynchell, Devil Dogs, Oreo guards
Crimes: treason, illegal imprisonment, fraud, conspiracy, attempted murder, destruction of private property
Motive: jealousy
True identity: Turbo
"Let's watch her die, shall we?"
Prince Hans, Frozen, 2013
Occupation: none
Henchmen: none
Crimes: treason, conspiracy, attempted murder, attempted regicide
Motive: sibliing rivalry
Best friend: probably John
"I, on the other hand, am the hero who is going to save Arendelle from destruction."
Yokai (Robert Callaghan), Big Hero 6, 2014
Occupation: college professor, inventor
Henchmen: none
Crimes: arson, attempted murder, grand theft, kidnapping, destruction of private property, child endangerment, trespassing
Motive: revenge
Blood type: AB negative
"Was my daughter a setback?"
Dawn Bellwether, Zootopia, 2016
Occupation: former assistant mayor, mayor
Henchmen: Doug, Woolter, Jesse
Crimes: conspiracy, manufacture of a controlled substance, terrorism, assault with a deadly weapon
Motive: prejudice
Nickname: Smellwether
"Underestimated, underappreciated...aren't you sick of it?"
Ernesto De La Cruz, Coco, 2017
Occupation: late singer/actor/alleged songwriter
Henchmen: bodyguards
Crimes: murder, attempted murder, theft of intellectual property, fraud, kidnapping, child endangerment, assault
Motive: fame
Best feature: eyebrows
"Success doesn't come for free, Miguel."
