Mickey Mouse |
............... |
Donald Duck |
............... |
Goofy |
............... |
Huey |
Minnie Mouse |
............... |
Daisy Duck |
............... |
Pluto |
............... |
Dewey |
Horace Horsecollar |
............... |
Clarabelle Cow |
............... |
Pete |
............... |
Louie |
Gus Goose |
............... |
Clara Cluck |
............... |
Chip |
............... |
Mortimer |
Fifer Pig |
............... |
Big Bad Wolf |
............... |
Dale |
............... |
Ranger Woodlore |
Fiddler Pig |
............... |
Red Riding Hood |
............... |
Toby Tortoise |
............... |
Humphrey |
Practical Pig |
............... |
3 Little Wolves |
............... |
Max Hare |
............... |
Brownstone Park bears |
Professor Owl |
............... |
Dinah1 |
............... |
Mountain Lion3 |
............... |
Gladstone Gander |
April |
............... |
Boy & Girl Tree2 |
............... |
Max4 |
............... |
Salty25 |
May |
............... |
Flowers2 |
............... |
Ferdinand the Bull |
............... |
Cookie People17 |
June |
............... |
Roxanne |
............... |
Paul Bunyan |
............... |
Babe |
Scrooge McDuck |
............... |
Susie the Little Blue Coupe |
............... |
Casey Jones |
............... |
Skeleton Dancers |
Toot5 |
............... |
Whistle5 |
............... |
Plunk5 |
............... |
Boom5 |
Robot20 |
............... |
Witch Hazel |
............... |
Lonesome Ghosts |
............... |
Musical Goat19 |
Pluto's Shoulder Buddies |
............... |
Monte21 |
............... |
Casey's Daughters |
............... |
Assorted Black-and-White Extras |
Violin & Saxophone22 |
............... |
Chief O'Hara |
............... |
Phantom Blot |
............... |
Ludwig Von Drake |
Santa Claus |
............... |
Reindeer |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Marching Band5 |
Snow White |
............... |
Doc |
............... |
Grumpy |
............... |
Happy |
Wicked Queen/Hag |
............... |
Bashful |
............... |
Sleepy |
............... |
Sneezy |
Magic Mirror |
............... |
Prince |
............... |
Dopey |
............... |
Forest Creatures |
Pinocchio |
............... |
Geppetto |
............... |
Jiminy Cricket |
............... |
Figaro |
Blue Fairy |
............... |
Honest John |
............... |
Monstro |
............... |
Cleo |
Stromboli |
............... |
Gideon |
............... |
Coachman |
............... |
Lampwick |
Ben Ali Gator |
............... |
Mlle. Upanova |
............... |
Chernabog |
............... |
Yensid |
Gator Aide |
............... |
Hyacinth Hippo |
............... |
Centaurette |
............... |
Hop Lo |
Cupids |
............... |
Dancing Hippos |
............... |
Bacchus |
............... |
Bald Mountain ghosts |
Brooms |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Jacchus |
............... |
Dancing Mushrooms |
Reluctant Dragon |
............... |
Sir Giles |
............... |
Boy |
............... |
............... |
Dumbo |
............... |
Timothy |
............... |
Crows |
............... |
Elephants |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Pink Elephants |
Bambi |
............... |
Thumper |
............... |
Flower |
............... |
Miss Bunny |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Ronno |
............... |
Chipmunk |
Panchito |
............... |
José Carioca |
............... |
Aracuan Bird |
............... |
Gauchito |
Pedro |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Burrito |
Casey at the Bat |
............... |
Peter |
............... |
Sonia |
............... |
............... |
Brer Rabbit |
............... |
Brer Fox |
............... |
Brer Bear |
............... |
Mr. Bluebird |
Willie the Giant |
............... |
Bongo |
............... |
Lulubelle |
............... |
............... |
Pecos Bill |
............... |
Sluefoot Sue |
............... |
Willie the Whale |
............... |
Little Toot |
Widowmaker |
............... |
Johnny Appleseed |
............... |
Seagulls |
............... |
Big Toot |
Ichabod Crane |
............... |
Katrina |
............... |
Headless Horseman |
............... |
Tilda6 |
J. Thaddeus Toad |
............... |
Weasels |
............... |
Gunpowder26 |
............... |
............... |
Cinderella |
............... |
Fairy Godmother |
............... |
Lady Tremaine |
............... |
Anastasia |
Prince Charming |
............... |
Jaq |
............... |
King |
............... |
Drizella |
Lucifer |
............... |
Gus |
............... |
Grand Duke |
............... |
Girl Mouse |
Major7 |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Birds |
............... |
Boy Mouse |
Alice |
............... |
White Rabbit |
............... |
Mad Hatter |
............... |
Cheshire Cat |
Tweedle Dee |
............... |
Queen of Hearts |
............... |
March Hare |
............... |
Dodo |
Tweedle Dum |
............... |
King of Hearts |
............... |
Dormouse |
............... |
Bill |
Walrus |
............... |
Playing Cards |
............... |
Caterpillar |
............... |
Doorknob |
Carpenter |
............... |
Bread-and-Butterflies |
............... |
Hammer Birds |
............... |
Hedgehog |
Oysters |
............... |
Mome Raths |
............... |
Pencil Birds |
............... |
Flamingo |
Peter Pan |
............... |
Captain Hook |
............... |
Wendy |
............... |
Cubby |
Tinkerbell |
............... |
Mr. Smee |
............... |
John |
............... |
Slightly |
Crocodile |
............... |
Pirates |
............... |
Michael |
............... |
The Twins |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Tootles |
Lady |
............... |
Jock |
............... |
Si |
............... |
Aunt Sarah |
Tramp |
............... |
Trusty |
............... |
Am |
............... |
Tony |
Peg |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Joe |
Aurora |
............... |
Flora |
............... |
Maleficent |
............... |
King Hubert |
Phillip |
............... |
Fauna |
............... |
Diablo8 |
............... |
Owl and Birds |
............... |
............... |
Merryweather |
............... |
Maleficent's Goons |
............... |
Squirrels |
Pongo |
............... |
Roger |
............... |
Cruella |
............... |
Horace |
Perdita |
............... |
Anita |
............... |
Colonel |
............... |
Jasper |
99 Puppies |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Wart |
............... |
Merlin |
............... |
Madam Mim |
............... |
Archimedes |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Sir Kaye |
Penguin Waiters |
............... |
Fox |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Mowgli |
............... |
Baloo |
............... |
Buzzy |
............... |
Shere Khan |
Bagheera |
............... |
Kaa |
............... |
Dizzy |
............... |
King Louie |
Shanti9 |
............... |
Colonel Hathi |
............... |
Ziggy |
............... |
Monkeys |
............... |
............... |
Sonny10 |
............... |
Flaps |
............... |
............... |
Herbie the Love Bug |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Duchess |
............... |
Napoleon |
............... |
Scat Cat |
............... |
Abigail Gabble |
O'Malley |
............... |
Lafayete |
............... |
Chinese Cat |
............... |
English Cat |
Uncle Waldo |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Italian Cat |
............... |
Russian Cat |
King Leonidas |
............... |
Secretary Bird |
............... |
Rhino |
............... |
............... |
Robin Hood |
............... |
Maid Marian |
............... |
Prince John |
............... |
Skippy Bunny |
Little John |
............... |
Lady Kluck |
............... |
Sir Hiss |
............... |
Sis Bunny |
Friar Tuck |
............... |
Alan-A-Dale |
............... |
Sheriff of Nottingham |
............... |
Mother Bunny |
............... |
............... |
Crocodile |
............... |
Rhino guards |
............... |
Toby |
Winnie the Pooh |
............... |
Tigger |
............... |
Piglet |
............... |
Eeyore |
Gopher |
............... |
Kanga |
............... |
Rabbit |
............... |
Christopher Robin |
Owl |
............... |
Roo |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Bernard |
............... |
Orville |
............... |
Evinrude |
............... |
Medusa |
Bianca |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Snoops |
Elliott |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Tron Lightcycles18 |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Tod |
............... |
Copper |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Horned King |
............... |
Cauldron Born |
Basil |
............... |
Dawson |
............... |
Ratigan |
............... |
Fidget |
Oliver |
............... |
Dodger |
............... |
Tito |
............... |
Francis |
Rita |
............... |
Georgette |
............... |
Fagin |
............... |
DeSoto |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Benny the Cab |
............... |
............... |
Ariel |
............... |
Sebastian |
............... |
Ursula |
............... |
Eric |
Scuttle |
............... |
Flounder |
............... |
Triton |
............... |
Grimsby |
Dancing Fish |
............... |
Louie |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Max |
McLeach |
............... |
Joanna |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Wilbur |
Belle |
............... |
Beast |
............... |
Cogsworth |
............... |
Gaston |
Maurice |
............... |
Mrs. Potts |
............... |
Lumiere |
............... |
Lefou |
Wardrobe |
............... |
Babette11 |
............... |
Chip |
............... |
The Bimbettes |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Villagers |
Aladdin |
............... |
Genie |
............... |
Abu |
............... |
Jasmine |
Jafar |
............... |
Iago |
............... |
Carpet |
............... |
Sultan |
Rajah |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Hungry Children |
Simba |
............... |
Timon |
............... |
Shenzi |
............... |
Rafiki |
Nala |
............... |
Pumbaa |
............... |
Banzai |
............... |
Scar |
Zazu |
............... |
Mufasa |
............... |
Ed |
............... |
Wildebeest Stampede |
Pocahontas |
............... |
Meeko |
............... |
Flit |
............... |
Grandmother Willow |
John Smith |
............... |
Ratcliffe |
............... |
Powhatan |
............... |
Thomas |
Nakoma |
............... |
Wiggins |
............... |
Kekata |
............... |
Ben24 |
Quasimodo |
............... |
Esmeralda |
............... |
Phoebus |
............... |
Victor |
Frollo |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Hugo |
............... |
Laverne |
Hercules |
............... |
Phil |
............... |
Hades |
............... |
Pegasus |
Meg |
............... |
Zeus |
............... |
Pain |
............... |
Nessus |
The Muses |
............... |
Hera |
............... |
Panic |
............... |
Hermes |
Hydra |
............... |
Bacchus |
............... |
............... |
............... |
The Fates |
Mulan |
............... |
Mushu |
............... |
Yao |
............... |
Shan-Yu |
Shang |
............... |
Cri-Kee |
............... |
Ling |
............... |
Fa Zhou |
Grandmother Fa |
............... |
Chi-Fu |
............... |
Chien Po |
............... |
Fa Li |
Tantor |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
Steadfast Tin Soldier |
............... |
Ballerina |
............... |
Our Hero12 |
............... |
Rachel23 |
............... |
............... |
............... |
............... |
The Snotty Six12 |
............... |
............... |
Kuzco |
............... |
Pacha |
............... |
Yzma |
............... |
Kuzco's Major Domo |
Milo |
............... |
Kida |
............... |
Rourke |
............... |
Mrs. Packard |
Rubber Hose Band13 |
............... |
Mike13 |
............... |
Rooster & Hen14 |
............... |
Sensor Monkeys13 |
Spotlight13 |
............... |
Battery13 |
............... |
Sound Board13 |
............... |
Thermostat13 |
Hitchhiking Ghosts15 |
............... |
Pepper Ann |
............... |
Pepper Ann's Mom Lydia |
............... |
Magical Mouse16 |
Parrots of the Carribbean13 |
............... |
Figment |
............... |
King Larry13 |
............... |
3 Kittens16 |
Lumiere's Relations13 |
............... |
Dennis the Duck13 |
............... |
Goofy Fairies16 |
............... |
Mrs. Turtle13 |
Madame Leota |
............... |
Haunted Mansion Ghosts |
............... |
Goat Man13 |
............... |
Shelby13 |
Pete's Gram-Gram13 |
............... |
Roy Disney |
............... |
Hairy Manilow16 |
............... |
Goofy's Pop13 |
The Turkey16 |
............... |
Ghost Bride |
............... |
Aliens16 |
............... |
Abominable Snowman16 |
